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First place, Dreamers Haiku Contest 2018

I won the first place of Dreamers Haiku Contest 2018
Thank you !

To be in the Summer

Dreamers Haiku Contest 2018 The Winners

The reference to Shakespeare in a Japanese poem juxtaposes the two poetic traditions beautifully,
while encouraging us to look up and be one with the beauty around us.
 James Brandon


First, thank you very much to Dreamers Creative Writing.
I learned biology at university because I was interested in nature and “living”.
Why are we living, what is life, and how should we live?
I am still in the middle of this long way. Shakespeare, and many poets (as well as scientists), can show us ways of living these days by their universal thinking.

Nature and mind are connected according to the Haiku worldview.
I try to weave my will into my Haiku.
My Haikus are a little conceptual and sensible, probably because I mainly write free verses in Japan.
However, Haiku and its rhythm are always in my life, as are Basho, Issa, and many contemporary Haiku writers.
I would be happy if, in the future, more people get to know about the beauty and the deep worldview of Haiku.

 – Emi Miyaoka

Thank you for Dreamers Creative Writing,
James Brandon,
and everyone in this world !



Parallel Motion, Flying Cat’s Silence /Hokkaido-U

 Parallel Motion, Flying Cat’s Silence /Hokkaido-U 1. A Wind   2. A Singer   3. Today I Bought the Stars   4. Parallel Motion, Flying Cat’s Silence Thank you for Hokkaido University Chorus ! The clear voices of the young people cheered me up♬ And the piano playing is also wonderful...

MY MAXIM, June in 2023

  I will upload MY MAXIM, which I write as a hobby, to this blog on a whim💬 ・It may be a happy thing that we live in an age of symbiotic coexistence rather than competition for survival. 現代は生存のために競争するというよりは、生きるために共生共存してゆく時代であり、それは幸せなことなのかもしれない。*Japanese ・To be in touch with the wonder of humanity is the joy of living. 人間の素晴らしさにふれることは生きる喜び。 ・You are hope just the way you are. “あなたはそのままで希望だよ”

MY MAXIM, December in 2023

  The same landscape can be perceived in different ways depending on how it is cut out. Do we see the same thing behind the window or do we see an interpretation cut out by the window? Whether people intervene or not. 同じ風景でも、切り取り方によって捉え方が変わる。窓の向こうの同じものを見るか、窓に切り取られた解釈を見るか。人が介在するか否か。 For war, our sense of ourselves as individuals may be effective. 戦争には、個人としての感覚が有効なのかもしれない。 Every place has deep problems.  どの場所にいても、深い悩みはある。 Commuting time is important alone time. 通勤時間は、大事なひとりの時間。 Sometimes it is important to look back at what you have done. 時には自分のやってきたことを振り返るのも大事。 Happiness to live, even if we despair every day.  毎日絶望しても、生きている幸せ。 Moderate work is good for health. 適度な仕事は健康によい。